Time has passed

If you are wondering why there is a great time gap in the history of the blog, i would like to tell you that this is not related to the process of the cancer or the treatment, but much more to the fact that we had to take the site off-line for some time.

A group of people, which we did call fellows at that time, as we thought that we had something in common, had started a bullying and mobbing campaign against Evelyn.

It is unclear which benefit other than getting her out of the so-called club. (Under the applicable law the club is illegal and only tolerated by the government). part of the bullying was the request to shut down the site.

In the first step, she was pushed out of her function by the rude and impolite behavior of the leader of the organisation, followed by several polarizing comments of the “board” which was based on polemic against protecting and supporting a terminal ill person.

However, Evelyn has overcome this psycological terror and discriminating situation and took brave steps to fight the cancer.

Setback number one: the treatment of PD1, which we all had been hoping for to be the break trough, did fail. Despite the 3 times treatment with PD1 the tumor did grow significantly.

The PD1 treatment was stopped about beginning of February 2019.

While researching for an alternative, Evelyn was offered a treatment called a seed implant. It is the process of implanting Titanium Pallets activated with Iodine125 into the tumor cells.

This is quite common in the treatment of prostate cancer, but not used too often in the curing of lung cancer.

The implants were done in both wings of the lungs with an in-between interval of 2 weeks, which had been public holidays anyway. I will write about this more detailed in another entry.

The positive aspect of this treatment is, that there are hardly any side effects, but it needs the wearing of radiation protection vest after that, to protect OTHER people from possible mild radiation, which in fact is not harmful and might only affect the fetus in pregnancy. The radius of radiation is about 50 cm around the sours and in about 1m distance not measurable anymore.

Step by step i will update this blog and keep you informed.

Against Cancer Fight
Against Cancer Fight

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