Wir, in China, haben keinen Zugang zu Google oder einen seiner Services. Es ist wichtig, dass diese Website http://cancer.ningbolife.com und www.ningbolife.com/blog von möglichst vielen Menschen besucht wird. Nur so ist es möglich von vielen kleinen Spenden die nötigen Mittel für den Kauf der Medikamente zu bekommen. 10,000X20 Euro wäre dann […]
Against all odds, let’s see what the Webster says about it: ” against all (the) ˈodds in spite of great difficulties or problems; although it seemed impossible: ♢ It’s a romantic story of love surviving against all odds. The story: Evelyn took this problem about 1.5 years ago as a special point on her “Bucket List”. With all dedication, she pushed for it to reach a point only 3 weeks for the starting date that […]
We are just back from the July 2018 treatment . All went without complications and the sideeffects also did go in a acceptable way. Only little problem with the stomach. The oncologist did mention, that she is happy about Evelyn being so active and fighting against the cancer. There is […]
The latest Ct taken these days in June 2018 is showing a smaller tomour than in previous CT. The doctors conclusion is , that the current medication is right and will be proceeded for the time being. Das letzte CT zeigt eine erkennbare Verkleinerung des Tumors. Die Ärzte schlagen vor […]
A MRI was done to minimize the existence of undiscovered metastases. The result is showing no shadows or traces of such. A goo result Also the Chemotherapy in June did went smooth and with little side-effect. Das durchgeführte MRI mit und ohne Kontrastmittel zeigt keine Metastasen oder deren Spuren. Ein […]
Please use this WeChat QR code for sending direct donations to Evelyn’s Fundraiser. You can use it directly without requesting friends connection. Scan and sent. If you like to receive the avatar please mention it. I will help you to get it posted on the home page. Thank you Sie […]
Dieser Artikel wurde am 12. Mai 2018 In der Badischen Zeitung Freiburg Druckausgabe veroeffentlicht. Vielen Dank. This article was published by the Badische Zeitung Freiburg, Germany. The home town of Evelyn. Dank you for the support. Auf verschlungenen Pfaden (veröffentlicht am Sa, 12. Mai 2018 auf badische-zeitung.de) Here please find […]